Chinese New Year Event

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Archiv - Userecke' wurde von *Prime* gestartet, 20 Februar 2015.

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  1. *Prime*

    *Prime* Foren-Graf

    Chinese New Year Event

    Ahoy Pirates

    This Saturday at 12 pm (LST) the Chinese New Year Event will take place. To be part of the celebrations we will start a little event. The Lucky Dragon will sail on the maps next to the Save Havens. If you shoot it down (with either gold or pearl ammo) and cause the most damage you have a chance to be rewarded with the Lucky Dragon design or a Dragonfire action item. If you cause the most damage, you will also be rewarded with either 1 – 4 crystals, depending on which level you are shooting the Lucky Dragon on. You will also receive some gold and experience points, depending on how much damage you cause against the NPC.
  2. .-merlin01-.

    .-merlin01-. Ausnahmetalent

    ist hier im Deutschen Forum auch schon angekündigt :)
  3. wieder mal event im event - diesmal gleich drei zugleich.
Status des Themas:
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