Clash event

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Archiv - Hilfe' wurde von шüʟғ™ gestartet, 6 Mai 2015.

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  1. шüʟғ™

    шüʟғ™ Nachwuchs-Autor

    Hello !

    Sorry that Im writing in english my german are no so good.
    Hope its ok because I want to have answer about this problem.

    In Scandinavia1 server people sinking own guild/ally players in the clash event.
    Some also jump out from guild so they also get battlepoints.

    How it works in the german server?
    Is´t ok to sink your friends that dont shoot back and just stand still
    and logging in all ships they have just to get sunked?

    I think this is not ok and they are not following the gamerules of seafight.

    For me its a double cheat:

    1. They gain easy clash points from their friends that dont shoot back
    2. They gain battlepoints so they also get better rank in battlepointsystem

    Clash event FAQ:

    IMPORTANT: All daily rewards and final rewards will be booked automatically. As usual, after the end of the Clash Event all winners’ accounts will be verified and if any players are found to have cheated in any way, for example by pushing, using exploits or irregularities, we will remove ALL booked prizes from the Clash Event and suspend the account for 90 days! Due to the automatic booking of the rewards, if a player is cheating to gain an advantage in the clash event, we will not book the next placed player the rewards won by the banned player for either the daily or final rewards.

    Game rules about pushing:

    2. Pushing

    A player may not willingly allow another player to destroy his ship in order to get the points and achieve a better position in the rankings.

    Should this type of behavior be discovered in the accounts, disciplinary action will be taken. Depending on the gravity of the situation, this can lead to an indefinite account block.

    *DeLetEd* gefällt dies.
  2. Machete

    Machete Admiral des Forums


    first of all i must say it is a german forum. Please report those players to your supportteam where do you think they are cheating/push. They will investigate those things.
    If possible please give a proof.

    Greetings and closed.


    zuerst muss ich sagen, dass dies ein deutsches Forum ist. Bitte melde diese Spieler deinem Supportteam, wo du denkst, dass diese cheaten/pushen. Dieses wird solche Dinge untersuchen.
    Falls möglich, sende auch einen Beweiß zu.

    Grüße und closed.
Status des Themas:
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