
Dieses Thema im Forum 'Archiv - Hilfe' wurde von ki!!erka_CZ gestartet, 24 August 2015.

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Status des Themas:
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  1. ki!!erka_CZ

    ki!!erka_CZ Foren-Grünschnabel

    Hi, sorry i spoke to German forum, but i needed, i win a all 3 daily ranking in the event in Saturday, Sunday and Monday just 2 daily event ranking, i dont get a right souls reward and not even any Firestorm cannons, i writing here because i dont know who can help me, i would like to know in here support and also i asking for check what is a problem and give me the right rewards it is 16 Firestorm cannons and + 15 radian souls every day how use to be. Here is my log bug, this one is 2 x first place and 1 x second is right, and two days back i was winner in all 3 mini games. Thank you for helping to solve a problem. My ID 14_727999.
    2015-08-24 12:00:00Du hast 60 x Strahlende Seelen erhalten.
    2015-08-24 12:00:00Du hast 60 x Strahlende Seelen erhalten.
    2015-08-24 12:00:00Du hast 60 x Strahlende Seelen erhalten.
  2. _HooLs_

    _HooLs_ Forenprofi

    So, first: That's the wrong forum.
    Second: Are you sure, that you won every ranking all these days?

    If you'd won, you should have received "75 x Strahlende Seelen" or radian souls, whatever and 2 firestorm canons.

    In the description for the event is written this about the daily rewards:

    Tägliche Rankings (Einzelspieler-Minimaps):
    • 1. Platz: 2x Feuersturmkanonen, 75x Strahlende Seelen
    • 2.-5. Platz: 60x Strahlende Seelen
    • 6.-10. Platz: 40x Strahlende Seelen
    • 11.-50. Platz: 30x Strahlende Seelen
    • 51.-100. Platz: 15x Strahlende Seelen
    So as I see it, you were not placed first, but second to fifth.

    Next you could maybe better use the global forums, because the forums and the chats there are moderated in english.
  3. _HooLs_

    _HooLs_ Forenprofi

    If you think you were first. When did u last check the ranking, before it got resetted?
  4. ki!!erka_CZ

    ki!!erka_CZ Foren-Grünschnabel

    Hi, yes i am sure i was first. I know i have to get 75 souls, but get rewards like second place but 100 % i been first. I check every time before 12 o clock but BP have to check and give me a what i have to get.
  5. Machete

    Machete Admiral des Forums


    you´re in contact with your supportteam so please stay there. We can´t do both.
    I´ll close this because if you´ll write in the forum, please use the forum of your language.

    Greets and closed.
Status des Themas:
Es sind keine weiteren Antworten möglich.