Faq Winterevent

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Archiv - Userecke' wurde von *Prime* gestartet, 30 November 2015.

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  1. *Prime*

    *Prime* Foren-Graf

    Im Englischem Forum schon lange zu sehen, für Leute die es verstehen:

    The Winter Event 2015

    Winter Event - from 30th November, 2015 until 5th January, 2016

    The Winter Event features the following:
    • New amazing Skadi ship design to be won!
    • Two brand new pets
    • Find Gingerbread men and trade them in for pieces of the ship design
    • Old pet and ship designs from previous Winter Events and more available at the black market
    • Event treasure chests
    • Daily series of quests and special quests during Njord Saga and Yuletide phases
    • Ice floes with some handsome rewards

    The Winter Event will start at 12 noon on 30th November and will end at 12 noon on 5th January.

    The Winter Calendar starts in the night from 30th November to the first December and will run until the 24th December.

    The “Njord Saga” phase will take place from 12 noon on 3rd December until 12 noon on 10th December.

    The “Yuletide” phase will take place from 12 noon on 16th December until 12 noon on 23rd December.

    The Black Market will remain open until the end of the day on 7th January.
    Please note that all times are Local Server Time.

    Skadi design

    In order to get hold of the Skadi design you need to collect 4 different pieces of the puzzle. In each of the events you can earn one of these pieces.

    To collect the four puzzle pieces you will need :
    1st puzzle piece: Event Chest
    One of the 4 pieces of the puzzle can be found in the Event Treasure Chests – the Event Keys can be bought in the Black Market for Pearls. There are many items available in the chests such as Mojos, Snow Ammunition, Winter Lights and many more items as well as the chance to get 1 piece of the puzzle.
    2nd puzzle piece: Group Map (Njord Saga phase)
    The second event where you can get a piece of the puzzle will take place on the new Nidhugsheim Group Map. Before you will be able to access the bossmap you need to shoot Bjorgolds in order to receive Ancient Emblems. If you collected enough visit Eona Norling in one of the save haven. Eona Norling will provide a group finder queue, like you know it already from the Path to the beast event, where you need to choose your role in a team with a maximum of 5 players.

    After your team is full you will be teleported to the Group Map where you will face the two bosses Nidhug and Hildisvini.

    Each boss has two phases.
    During phase 1 both bosses will apply debuffs (Nidhug applies a different debuff than Hildisvini) on the player with the highest aggro (tanks). Each application will increase the debuff stack by one, that means the effect gets applied multiple times. Each debuff stack will prolong the duration so the tanks have to regularly switch bosses so the debuffs don’t stack too high. Meanwhile the damage dealers have to inflict damage (in the best case equally) to push both bosses into phase 2.

    During both phases the healer has to heal both tanks.

    The 2nd phase of each boss will start when they reached a certain amount of HP. During the 2nd phase Whale Nidhug will submerge and spawn minions who will try to steal your loot by attacking the Whale. After the whale died in this phase, he will switch back to phase 1 again and your whole group will be rewarded.

    The group damage share will treat the group as an own entity and share the loot equally in this group. Be sure to be in a group!

    More about the 2nd phase of Hildisvini.
    When Hildisvini switches into the second phase. he will spawn Freyja minions which will attack the Whale Hunters spawned by Nidhug and hereby save your loot. If there are none of them left, the Freyja minions will despawn after a certain time (be aware when you bring which boss in phase 2!). As soon as any of the bosses died (Nidhug or Hildisvini) the other one gets enraged. The boss who’s left will spawn a zone underneath him which will make him stronger.

    Two players will be rewarded with a puzzle piece – the player who causes the most damage and the player who causes the last shot on Whale Nidhug. Additionally the player who did the last shot on Whale Nidhug will have a chance to receive the whale pet (Pike) from last year’s Winter Event.

    If both bosses are dead, all players will be teleported back to the regular map again. If you didn’t manage to kill both bosses your time won’t show up in the ranking.
    3rd puzzle piece: Gift chasing event (Yuletide phase)

    The third event is Yuletide (a gift chasing event) where a player must hold onto the gift for as long as possible in order to gain points and finish high in the rankings.

    You are only allowed to pick up the gift on a map of your level range as follows: Map and pirate level 2 – 6, 7 – 12, 13 – 16 and 17 – 20.

    If you leave your level range you will automatically lose the gift.

    Every 24 hours from 12 noon to 12 noon (Local Server Time), the ranking is reset and the top 5 ranked players will each get a piece of the ship design. In addition, 5 random players in the top 100 ranking will gain a piece of the design per day.
    4th puzzle piece: Calendar
    The fourth piece can be gained by opening at least 20 of the 24 doors of the Winter Calendar. The calendar can be accessed directly from the sea chart by clicking on the event ticker icon.

    Don’t worry! If you miss out on getting one of the pieces of the ship design, you can get them by trading in your collected Gingerbread men per piece. The Gingerbread men can be gained in several ways such as through destroying the Event NPCs and ice floes or purchased in the payment section.

    The ship designs from previous Winter Events available at the black market have the following stats:

    Heimdall: +14% Cannon damage, +10% Harpoon damage, +70.000 HP and +13% damage prevention
    Bifröst: +12% Cannon damage, +10% Harpoon damage, +65.000 HP and +35.000 VP
    Dalendris: +11% Cannon damage, +10% Harpoon damage, +65.000 HP, +15.000 VP
    The brand new ship design available to win through collecting the puzzle pieces has the following stats:

    Skadi: +15% Cannon damage, +7% Hit Chance, +70.000 HP, +70.000 VP

    You can get the new pets as well as the pet from last year’s Winter Event by trading Gingerbread men for them in the Black Market!

    The pets have the following stats:

    Habrok: +10% hit chance and +25,000 Hit Points
    Munin (new pet!): +15% Hitchance
    Elivagar (new pet!): ++20% Dodge Hitchance

    There will be a whole host of items available in the Black Market where you can trade in your collected Gingerbread men! These items include various buffs, action items like Candles, Snowmen or Event Keys. During the whole event of course you will be able to buy Snow Ammunition as well.

    During the whole event three NPCs (Urd, Verdandi and Skuld) will sail around on all PvP Maps.
    Urd can be shot with gold ammunition while Verdandi, Skuld and Bjorgold can only be attacked with elite ammunition.

    Snowball ammunition will cause extra damage against these as well as on all other Event NPCs!

    Depending on how much damage you cause against Urd, you will be rewarded with Experience Points, Elite Points and Snow ammunition. Additionally you will receive either one Winter Light, Gingerbread man or further Elite Points.

    Verdandi will drop Experience Points, Gingerbread men and Elite Points depending on how much damage you cause against him.

    Depending on how much damage you cause against Bjorgold, you will be rewarded with Experience Points. After Bjorgold got sunk, some little gifts containing Ancient Emblems will spawn. You will need to collect them like glitters to get rewarded!
    !MISSING SKULD REWARDS! To be inserted when information is issued.

    Points can be obtained by making the most damage against any of the Event NPCs mentioned above. At the end of the event the rewards will be as follows:

    • 1st place: ???
    • 2nd place: ???
    • 3rd place: ???
    • 4th and 5th place: 4 Random players*: ???
    • 1 Random player*: ???
    There’s another ranking which will show and reward players who succeeded the Group Map most rapidly. The rewards will be distributed as follows:

    • 1st place: ???
    • 2nd place: ???
    • 3rd place: ???
    • 4th and 5th place: 4 Random players*: ???
    • 1 Random player*: ???
    *who finished in position 1 - 100 in the event ranking.

    Rewards will be inserted when information received.

    Please note that due to the prizes being given out randomly, players can win more than once!

    Ice Floes:

    Which can be shot using Harpoons, contain a range of items including Snow ammunition, Snowmen, Event keys and many more precious treasures. Opening an Event Chest could get you Items like Mojos, Snowmen, Candles, Winter Lights, Snow ammunition or others.

    Of course as mentioned above, a piece of the puzzle is a possible reward as well! You are also guaranteed at least 1 Gingerbread Man upon opening an Event Chest.

    There is a quest-giver – Haldor Olafsson!

    You will be able to complete several quests during the Njord Saga phase and the Yuletide phase. Every quest completed is rewarded. The quest-giver can be found in one of the Safe haven!
    Watch out for the repeatable quests!

    If you have any Gingerbread men left at the end of the event they will be replaced with an ingame item to be revealed near the end of the event.

    The Event Chest Keys will be replaced by normal chest keys.

    Ancient Emblems won’t be exchanged.
    *DeLetEd* und нuıı gefällt dies.
  2. нuıı

    нuıı Forenfreak

    Göttlich *-*
  3. ToDeSScHiFF™[†Δ†]

    ToDeSScHiFF™[†Δ†] Forenhalbgott

    super das die deutschen,also die ur-seafightgemeinde sich vom englischen forum aus ,informieren muss..klasse...
  4. ▲ƒяєaKBєαтs▲

    ▲ƒяєaKBєαтs▲ Foren-Grünschnabel

    Find ich wieder nice. Das event ist einfach nur scheiße. Gj BigPoint schlecht...
  5. Argetlam72

    Argetlam72 Forenkommissar

    Leute was regt ihr euch denn auf die faq fürs event ins deutsche dauert eben ihre zeit, ich tendiere dazu das die faq schon noch kommen aber wahrscheinlich erst nachdem das event vorbei ist.

    Das ist nunmal die Arbeitsweise hier
  6. Tortelacht

    Tortelacht Forenhalbgott

    Vielen Dank. Unser Mods hätten das eigentlich auch verlinken können. Aber über den Skuld wisssen die Engländer auch nichts genaues

    Zitat:"Depending on how much damage you cause against Bjorgold, you will be rewarded with Experience Points. After Bjorgold got sunk, some little gifts containing Ancient Emblems will spawn. You will need to collect them like glitters to get rewarded!
    !MISSING SKULD REWARDS! To be inserted when information is issued."

    Was wisst ihr? spawnt der überhaupt unter lvl5?
  7. *DeLetEd*

    *DeLetEd* Lebende Forenlegende

    also beim winterevent 2014 gab es alles von map 2-20.
    LilaPirat gefällt dies.
  8. ▲ƒяєaKBєαтs▲

    ▲ƒяєaKBєαтs▲ Foren-Grünschnabel

    Hab gestern 4 Stunden verbracht einen zu finden. Aber natürlich nix gefunden. Ein Freundvon mir hatt einen mit geschossen und War eher enttäuscht was es an Beute gab...

    Was ich noch traurig finde ist die Belohnung von Elp... ich will keine Elp, diese Elp was ich bekomme hab ich mit 10 Schüssen mit admikanonen drin... saß ist auch schade. Von Schollen brauch ich erst garniert beginnen Belohnung gestern: 25 Gold & und 4-5k Elp. Jetzt würde vielleicht Leute kommen und sagen: ja du warst auf den kleinen Karten unten!
    Dann müssen sie mehr Karten einfügen das ich besseres bekomme als auf der 20er Karte...
    Bin einfach nur enttäuscht...
    MfG.: Ösi

    PS: rechtschreibfehler sind zur belustigung der Allgemeinheit
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 1 Dezember 2015
  9. *Zerberus*

    *Zerberus* Foren-Grünschnabel

    Moin zusammen,

    gestern hatte ich Glück einen Skuld zu finden. Bis auf 25.000 zerstörte Hitpoints konnte ich ihn schießen. Seitdem suche ich auch wieder einen. Bisher vergeblich :-(