Feedback LOB - Netzwerktechnik

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Archiv - Userecke' wurde von PROМETHEUS gestartet, 5 April 2015.

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Status des Themas:
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    PROМETHEUS Admiral des Forums

    Da ich ja in der Vergangenheit immer wieder auf die seit Herbst letzten Jahres desolate Netzwerk-Performance hingewiesen habe, nun ein Lob an die Netzwerktechniker!:)

    Ich hoffe sehr das die Werte (MTU/Ping) nun stabil bleiben.

    Pinging [] with 1500 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 750 bytes ->bytes=750 time=19ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1125 bytes ->bytes=1125 time=22ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1312 bytes ->bytes=1312 time=24ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1406 bytes ->bytes=1406 time=25ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1453 bytes ->bytes=1453 time=25ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1476 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1464 bytes ->bytes=1464 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1470 bytes ->bytes=1470 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1473 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1471 bytes ->bytes=1471 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1472 bytes ->bytes=1472 time=27ms TTL=56
    The largest possible non-fragmented packet is 1472 (1500 - 28 ICMP & IP headers).

    You can set your MTU to 1500

    Pinging [] with 1500 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 750 bytes ->bytes=750 time=19ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1125 bytes ->bytes=1125 time=23ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1312 bytes ->bytes=1312 time=24ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1406 bytes ->bytes=1406 time=25ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1453 bytes ->bytes=1453 time=25ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1476 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1464 bytes ->bytes=1464 time=25ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1470 bytes ->bytes=1470 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1473 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1471 bytes ->bytes=1471 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1472 bytes ->bytes=1472 time=27ms TTL=56
    The largest possible non-fragmented packet is 1472 (1500 - 28 ICMP & IP headers).

    You can set your MTU to 1500

    Pinging [] with 1500 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 750 bytes ->bytes=750 time=19ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1125 bytes ->bytes=1125 time=22ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1312 bytes ->bytes=1312 time=24ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1406 bytes ->bytes=1406 time=25ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1453 bytes ->bytes=1453 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1476 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1464 bytes ->bytes=1464 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1470 bytes ->bytes=1470 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1473 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1471 bytes ->bytes=1471 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1472 bytes ->bytes=1472 time=27ms TTL=56
    The largest possible non-fragmented packet is 1472 (1500 - 28 ICMP & IP headers).

    You can set your MTU to 1500

    Pinging [] with 1500 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 750 bytes ->bytes=750 time=19ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1125 bytes ->bytes=1125 time=23ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1312 bytes ->bytes=1312 time=24ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1406 bytes ->bytes=1406 time=25ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1453 bytes ->bytes=1453 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1476 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1464 bytes ->bytes=1464 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1470 bytes ->bytes=1470 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1473 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1471 bytes ->bytes=1471 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1472 bytes ->bytes=1472 time=27ms TTL=56
    The largest possible non-fragmented packet is 1472 (1500 - 28 ICMP & IP headers).

    You can set your MTU to 1500

    Pinging [] with 1500 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 750 bytes ->bytes=750 time=19ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1125 bytes ->bytes=1125 time=23ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1312 bytes ->bytes=1312 time=24ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1406 bytes ->bytes=1406 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1453 bytes ->bytes=1453 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1476 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1464 bytes ->bytes=1464 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1470 bytes ->bytes=1470 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1473 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1471 bytes ->bytes=1471 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1472 bytes ->bytes=1472 time=27ms TTL=56
    The largest possible non-fragmented packet is 1472 (1500 - 28 ICMP & IP headers).

    You can set your MTU to 1500

    GLOBAL 1
    Pinging [] with 1500 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 750 bytes ->bytes=750 time=20ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1125 bytes ->bytes=1125 time=23ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1312 bytes ->bytes=1312 time=24ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1406 bytes ->bytes=1406 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1453 bytes ->bytes=1453 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1476 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1464 bytes ->bytes=1464 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1470 bytes ->bytes=1470 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1473 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1471 bytes ->bytes=1471 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1472 bytes ->bytes=1472 time=27ms TTL=56
    The largest possible non-fragmented packet is 1472 (1500 - 28 ICMP & IP headers).

    You can set your MTU to 1500

    BP-DNS Server 1
    Pinging [] with 1500 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 750 bytes ->bytes=750 time=20ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1125 bytes ->bytes=1125 time=23ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1312 bytes ->bytes=1312 time=24ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1406 bytes ->bytes=1406 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1453 bytes ->bytes=1453 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1476 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1464 bytes ->bytes=1464 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1470 bytes ->bytes=1470 time=28ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1473 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1471 bytes ->bytes=1471 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1472 bytes ->bytes=1472 time=27ms TTL=56
    The largest possible non-fragmented packet is 1472 (1500 - 28 ICMP & IP headers).

    You can set your MTU to 1500

    BP-DNS-Server 2
    Pinging [] with 1500 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 750 bytes ->bytes=750 time=19ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1125 bytes ->bytes=1125 time=23ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1312 bytes ->bytes=1312 time=24ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1406 bytes ->bytes=1406 time=25ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1453 bytes ->bytes=1453 time=26ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1476 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1464 bytes ->bytes=1464 time=25ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1470 bytes ->bytes=1470 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1473 bytes -> ..fragmented
    Pinging [] with 1471 bytes ->bytes=1471 time=27ms TTL=56
    Pinging [] with 1472 bytes ->bytes=1472 time=26ms TTL=56
    The largest possible non-fragmented packet is 1472 (1500 - 28 ICMP & IP headers).

    You can set your MTU to 1500
    нuıı, ExxxE und Seaeagle gefällt dies.
Status des Themas:
Es sind keine weiteren Antworten möglich.