Pirate Lord's Event Fehler ?

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Archiv - Hilfe' wurde von SPФЛϾH gestartet, 20 November 2018.

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    SPФЛϾH Nachwuchs-Autor

    Der Leuchtkugel-Fürst = Eisbrandmunition ?

    Kann das sein das es eig. Leuchtmunition ist so wie die letzten male auch ?
  2. »Ðrαgσηκιςκs«¹

    »Ðrαgσηκιςκs«¹ Junior Experte

    Im englischen Forum steht:
    • From the Hollow Lord, can be sunk with gold and pearl ammunition, you can get Burning Ice ammunition and the Sunburst design.
      • Fallback (if you already have the design): Pearls.
    • From the Burning-Ice Lord, can only be sunk with pearl ammunition, you can get Pearls, Kraken poison or the Pirate King design.
      • Fallback (if you already have the design): Pearls.
    • From the Kraken Lord, can only be sunk with pearl ammunition, you can get Pearls, Soul Eater ammunition or the Serpentine design.
      • Fallback (if you already have the design): Pearls.
    • From the Ghost Lord, can only be sunk with pearl ammunition, you can get Pearls, Crystals or the Elite Kilimatu design.
      • Fallback (if you already have the design): Pearls.
  3. ѕcнσкιι

    ѕcнσкιι Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Danke für euren Hinweis. Die FAQ habe ich grade einmal korrigiert. :)

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