Schön das wir immer so spät bescheid bekommen^^

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Archiv - Userecke' wurde von Patrizier* gestartet, 20 September 2016.

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  1. Patrizier*

    Patrizier* Fortgeschrittener

    Marauders Hunt Event

    Ahoy Pirates,

    On Thursday, the 22nd September at 12 noon LST, we will start the Marauder’s Hunt Event once again. The Event will end on Tuesday, the 27th of September, at 12 noon LST.

    During the event Voodoo Doom ammunition, Legba Amulets and Ice Burn Ammunition will be available in the payment section of the game.

    Normally the Voodoo Priest LVL 3 was available at the payment as well, but now we have a VP LVL 4 sale which can be used instead of course.

    Your Seafight Team
Status des Themas:
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