Was sind seltenheitsketten der Stufe 6

Dieses Thema im Forum 'Archiv - Hilfe' wurde von ♥♥♥Sloneczko♥♥♥ gestartet, 25 Juni 2021.

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  1. ♥♥♥Sloneczko♥♥♥

    ♥♥♥Sloneczko♥♥♥ Nachwuchs-Autor

    wie oben steht was ist das und wie ist die anwendung.

    danke schon mal
  2. King_SOX_One*

    King_SOX_One* Stammspieler

    Steeled Chains


    These Steeled Chains, crafted in secret in hidden pirate coves, increase your Harpoon Damage and Range. Raise the level to gain even more power to your harpoons. With a special twist at Level 5!

    Requires 5 Extension Slots

    Level 0:
    + 25% Harpoon damage (relative)
    + 1 Harpoon range (relative)
    Level 1:
    + 30% Harpoon damage (relative)
    + 2 Harpoon range (relative)
    Level 2:
    + 35% Harpoon damage (relative)
    + 3 Harpoon range (relative)
    Level 3:
    + 40% Harpoon damage (relative)
    + 4 Harpoon range (relative)
    Level 4:
    + 45% Harpoon damage (relative)
    + 5 Harpoon range (relative)
    Level 5 Steeled Chains:
    These Steeled Chains do what you’d expect, increasing your Harpoon Damage and Range to be one of the best upon the ocean.
    + 50% Harpoon damage (relative)
    + 6 Harpoon range (relative)
    Level 5 Steeled Chains of Speed:
    How about a different form of Steeled Chain, as the Level 5 Steeled Chains of Speed decreases your reload time. How about that to surprise your enemy.
    - 10% Reload Time (relative)
    Level 6 Unobtanium Steeled Chains of Speed:
    This marvel of nautican craftsmanship combines almost unobtainable materials with impossible ideas! This chain is way more compact than the original, providing you with all the benefits!
    - 10% Reload Time (relative)
    + 50% Harpoon damage (relative)
    + 6 Harpoon range (relative)
  3. Peanut

    Peanut Moderator Team Seafight


    konnte Dir die Antwort weiterhelfen?

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